Free Delivery Service

Free Delivery Service

Forlongs Free Delivery Schedule

(Effective 31st January 2024)

The Forlongs free delivery service is for large items within our Free delivery area
(see areas below).

The Delivery team will phone between 9.30am and 10.30am on the day of delivery, to advise an approximate delivery time once they have planned their route and loaded the truck.

Our website defines products as either:
• Big furniture or Appliance item, or
• Able to be sent via courier, or
• Pick up only product.

Big Furniture or Appliance Items
• Big Furniture items go on our delivery truck within our free delivery area as per the schedule below.
• Beyond our Free area big furniture items can be delivered by an outside delivery company for a fee. (This expanded area is from Auckland to Taupo and Raglan to the Coromandel). The delivery fee is based on the distance from our store to your delivery address. We have set up the main towns on our website but if you need something beyond this then please email our team for a specific quote.

Courier Items
Goods which are the size of a microwave or smaller are available for pick up from the store free of charge or can be couriered New Zealand wide for a courier fee. Please note the website will charge a courier fee per item on the order, but if we have all items in stock and are able to courier all items in one box, then we will adjust the charge when completing the invoice.

If you would like to query a delivery option or find out if goods are in stock then please email [email protected] with the products you would like and your address and contact phone number.

Pick Up Only Products
If you are beyond our free delivery area and would like to organise for yourself or a freight company to collect from our store, please choose Pick up and put in the notes the person/company authorised to collect your goods. Goods are collected from our Rawhiti St Bulkstore at 10 Rawhiti Street, Frankton.

- Hamilton, Matangi, Horsham Downs, Te Kowhai, Rukahia, Rotokauri, Puketaha, Ruakura, Newstead (0-721 Morrinsville Rd), Tauwhare Rd (0-900), Gordonton Rd (0-820)

- Bruntwood, Hautapu, Fencourt, Te Miro, Cambridge, Leamington, Rotorangi, Matamata, Tauwhare (900-1300), Scotsman Valley

- Horotiu, Ngaruawahia, Waingaro (0-1590), Pukemiro, Glen Afton, Huntly, Orini, Whitikahu, Taupiri, Gordonton

- Morrinsville Rd (725-2100), Eureka, Morrinsville

- Whatawhata, Te Pahu, Te Uku, Te Mata, Raglan

- Ohaupo, Kaipaki, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi, Pirongia

The Delivery team will phone between 9.30am and 10.30am on the day of delivery to advise you of approximate delivery time once they have planned their route and loaded the truck. Please keep your phone handy.

Call us on phone: 07 847 9089
Visit our family owned store and talk to our experienced staff today
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